Aside from living a healtthy lifestyle, what giives you life, what makes life worth living for you?
For me, it's singing. When I sing, it's sheer bliss - totally right-brain. Singing in a group of over 120 voices is just amazing. To hear the sound and know that I'm part of it - indescribable. The best part is when there's a connection with the audience - the transfer of energy back and forth, the communication of something that is beyond mere words - it makes life worth living.
Recently, the group I sing with posted some videos of our performances on the web. I'm not in many close-ups but am always in the back row, usually 3 to 5 in from the left end...
I'd like to share a couple of my favorites with you at:
Friday, August 24, 2007
What does UNSTOPPABLE mean to me?
To me, the foundation of Unstoppable Fat Loss is GRATITUDE.
To be unstoppable one must be extremely grateful:
Grateful for the ability to recognize that I have made poor choices in the past.
Grateful that I have the ability to change those choices today and every tomorrow.
Grateful that I choose to make those choices.
Grateful for all of the friends who support me and for all the resources available if I just choose to seek them out.
When I am truly grateful to myself, when I can thank myself for choosing to live better and longer-
When I really begin to feel the effects of eating clean, training hard and resting well-
When I feel younger than I did more than twenty years ago-
I am so grateful to myself for choosing to take back control over my body.
That gratitude makes me realize how much I truly love myself and marvel at who I am and who I am becoming. That propels me to go even farther.
And when one is truly grateful and genuinely loves themselves – then, nothing can stop them.
To be unstoppable one must be extremely grateful:
Grateful for the ability to recognize that I have made poor choices in the past.
Grateful that I have the ability to change those choices today and every tomorrow.
Grateful that I choose to make those choices.
Grateful for all of the friends who support me and for all the resources available if I just choose to seek them out.
When I am truly grateful to myself, when I can thank myself for choosing to live better and longer-
When I really begin to feel the effects of eating clean, training hard and resting well-
When I feel younger than I did more than twenty years ago-
I am so grateful to myself for choosing to take back control over my body.
That gratitude makes me realize how much I truly love myself and marvel at who I am and who I am becoming. That propels me to go even farther.
And when one is truly grateful and genuinely loves themselves – then, nothing can stop them.
Scott Tousignant interviewed me for his Unstoppable Fat Loss series. Such an honor to be included. I've listened to the interviewes and I must say that they are very inspiring. Each time I listen to one, something new strikes me.
The amazing thing about this product is that you get to hear from fitness experts and from people who have actually succeeded at burning fat.
there are also a few interviews that make my journey seem insignificant. the challenges these folks have overcome are just amazing. Check it out!
The amazing thing about this product is that you get to hear from fitness experts and from people who have actually succeeded at burning fat.
there are also a few interviews that make my journey seem insignificant. the challenges these folks have overcome are just amazing. Check it out!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
How Rob Got His Drive Back
I discovered something amazing. I don’t know what it is yet – or at least am having a very hard time communicating what it is. I know this is a long post but I offer it to anyone who is, was, or will be in a “mental / emotional plateau”.
If you have read my posts you’re aware that over the past couple months I’ve been struggling with the mental/emotional aspects of my journey to Destination: LEAN.
If not, here’s a synopsis of what’s been going on:
For the first time since I started BFFM, I missed my goals at the end of 2006. That was a huge blow. It really frustrated me and depressed me. I tried to shrug it off, pick up the pieces and move forward. It ate at me. I couldn’t focus enough to set down new goals. I had to find out why.
I firmly believe that the majority of my success has been emotionally driven. Upon further examination, I discerned that the emotions that drove me were a response to some very negative experiences and a drive to get back to where I was. That was my first mistake. Where I was was still fat. I met that goal and I didn’t even know I had it as a goal. I got control over other aspects of my life and regained a sense of safety and security but I’m still carrying around “a few extra pounds”. I got back to where I was.
OK – I did a lot of soul searching, naval gazing and introspection. I had some great realizations. Why couldn’t I get as lean as I want to be? I thought I might be afraid to. Being completely lean will be a new experience for me and uncharted territory. I also didn’t think that I deserved to be lean. That old nemesis, low self esteem, began creeping into the back of my thoughts. Let’s just say that I have baggage cars. I have been successful at uncoupling some of them and that’s a constant part of the journey as well. Some family illness also took priority in my life for a time being.
The next part of the puzzle is what I’m doing and going to do about it.
I firmly believe that there is something greater than us moving through our lives. Call it God, Allah, Adonai, Karma, Energy, Power or even The Universe. I’ believe it is real and available if we tune our thoughts and emotions to it and just ask. In January, I started sending out requests (both physical and mental). I got a response. I got Scott Tousignant’s workout program and out of the blue, my roommate suggested that we start training together. Some members of my family approached me for help in getting lean as a response to some scary medical news. Working with them has ignited a fire in me. To top it off, a friend pointed out a training course for Certified Sports Nutritionist that I’m now enrolled in. I was so amazed at the responses I was getting that my company’s plans to lay-off 5,000 employees has not even phased me.
The workouts are going great. My roommate is pushing me harder than I’ve ever pushed myself. I’m packing on an average of .75 pounds of lean mass a week with no increase in fat – in fact there is minute fat-loss! What I’ve really noticed is an increase in strength. I’m working up percentage increases and will post them in my progress journal over the next couple of days.
I still have not formulated specific goals. I’m enjoying that process very much right now. I am discovering my ‘WHY’. After so long of a struggle to ‘get back to where I was’ I’m having a lot of fun dreaming right now. It’s true that I have no personal experience to use as a reference point. That used to frighten me but I’ve somehow been able to liberate myself from it. I now realize that there is no limit to what I can do with and for myself. I am having to force myself to dream and dream big.
What is my “WHY”? I don’t know – yet. I’m just now getting comfortable with the prospect that anything is possible. For my entire life, I have existed within the limits that others or even I, myself, have put upon me. Breaking those chains is hard but it’s the most liberating thing possible. The core of my ‘WHY’ is to live the most complete life possible. I think I need something a little less nebulous, but for right now, that’s enough. I’m discovering what that means for me specifically. With endless possibilities, that’s not as easy as it may seem. I don’t know what my specific goals are going to be. I do know that I have a trip to Miami in July of 2008 so that’s definitely in the mix.
What I do know is that I’m extraordinarily grateful. I’m grateful to God for giving me life. I’m grateful to my parents for raising me. I’m grateful for every experience I have ever had. I am grateful to You for reading this and to all who support me. I’m even grateful to those who don’t because they drive me as well. For the first time in three years I can actually say that I am grateful those two men broke into my home and held me on the floor with a gun to the back of my head. They were never caught. I have always wished they had been. I used to wish this out of justice or revenge. Now I wish it because I could then thank them for giving me that experience. Without it, I would not be where or who I am today. Without it, I’d still be fat.
This week I mark the second anniversary of the start of my journey to Destination: LEAN. In a lot of ways, it feels like it’s just beginning.
If you have read my posts you’re aware that over the past couple months I’ve been struggling with the mental/emotional aspects of my journey to Destination: LEAN.
If not, here’s a synopsis of what’s been going on:
For the first time since I started BFFM, I missed my goals at the end of 2006. That was a huge blow. It really frustrated me and depressed me. I tried to shrug it off, pick up the pieces and move forward. It ate at me. I couldn’t focus enough to set down new goals. I had to find out why.
I firmly believe that the majority of my success has been emotionally driven. Upon further examination, I discerned that the emotions that drove me were a response to some very negative experiences and a drive to get back to where I was. That was my first mistake. Where I was was still fat. I met that goal and I didn’t even know I had it as a goal. I got control over other aspects of my life and regained a sense of safety and security but I’m still carrying around “a few extra pounds”. I got back to where I was.
OK – I did a lot of soul searching, naval gazing and introspection. I had some great realizations. Why couldn’t I get as lean as I want to be? I thought I might be afraid to. Being completely lean will be a new experience for me and uncharted territory. I also didn’t think that I deserved to be lean. That old nemesis, low self esteem, began creeping into the back of my thoughts. Let’s just say that I have baggage cars. I have been successful at uncoupling some of them and that’s a constant part of the journey as well. Some family illness also took priority in my life for a time being.
The next part of the puzzle is what I’m doing and going to do about it.
I firmly believe that there is something greater than us moving through our lives. Call it God, Allah, Adonai, Karma, Energy, Power or even The Universe. I’ believe it is real and available if we tune our thoughts and emotions to it and just ask. In January, I started sending out requests (both physical and mental). I got a response. I got Scott Tousignant’s workout program and out of the blue, my roommate suggested that we start training together. Some members of my family approached me for help in getting lean as a response to some scary medical news. Working with them has ignited a fire in me. To top it off, a friend pointed out a training course for Certified Sports Nutritionist that I’m now enrolled in. I was so amazed at the responses I was getting that my company’s plans to lay-off 5,000 employees has not even phased me.
The workouts are going great. My roommate is pushing me harder than I’ve ever pushed myself. I’m packing on an average of .75 pounds of lean mass a week with no increase in fat – in fact there is minute fat-loss! What I’ve really noticed is an increase in strength. I’m working up percentage increases and will post them in my progress journal over the next couple of days.
I still have not formulated specific goals. I’m enjoying that process very much right now. I am discovering my ‘WHY’. After so long of a struggle to ‘get back to where I was’ I’m having a lot of fun dreaming right now. It’s true that I have no personal experience to use as a reference point. That used to frighten me but I’ve somehow been able to liberate myself from it. I now realize that there is no limit to what I can do with and for myself. I am having to force myself to dream and dream big.
What is my “WHY”? I don’t know – yet. I’m just now getting comfortable with the prospect that anything is possible. For my entire life, I have existed within the limits that others or even I, myself, have put upon me. Breaking those chains is hard but it’s the most liberating thing possible. The core of my ‘WHY’ is to live the most complete life possible. I think I need something a little less nebulous, but for right now, that’s enough. I’m discovering what that means for me specifically. With endless possibilities, that’s not as easy as it may seem. I don’t know what my specific goals are going to be. I do know that I have a trip to Miami in July of 2008 so that’s definitely in the mix.
What I do know is that I’m extraordinarily grateful. I’m grateful to God for giving me life. I’m grateful to my parents for raising me. I’m grateful for every experience I have ever had. I am grateful to You for reading this and to all who support me. I’m even grateful to those who don’t because they drive me as well. For the first time in three years I can actually say that I am grateful those two men broke into my home and held me on the floor with a gun to the back of my head. They were never caught. I have always wished they had been. I used to wish this out of justice or revenge. Now I wish it because I could then thank them for giving me that experience. Without it, I would not be where or who I am today. Without it, I’d still be fat.
This week I mark the second anniversary of the start of my journey to Destination: LEAN. In a lot of ways, it feels like it’s just beginning.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
3 weeks into the program and gained 4 pounds of lean mass and burned one pound of fat!
The workouts don't take very long and are very intense!
Eat Clean
Train Hard
Rest Well,
The workouts don't take very long and are very intense!
Eat Clean
Train Hard
Rest Well,
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Taking on The Fit Basterd!
It's hard for me to admit it. Really hard. I'm aware of the progress I've made and could not be happier. I'm very proud of myself for taking back my life.
That's why it's hard for me to admit it. If we can't be completely honest about my successes and my struggles, then what's the point of living and trying to grow?
So, what's so hard for me to admit, you ask?
I've been in a rut for a while - too long!
Truth be told, I was so bummed that I missed my goal last month that I stopped working out two weeks before it came. I've still kept my diet very clean (except for Christmas dinner) but I've had no motivation to consistently work out. I've had a few workouts but not many.
Feel free to chastise me all you want - it will pale in comparison to the lashing I gave myself! I needed a good swift kick in the rear - and got it!
Every year my very good friend from college and I get together to do some goal setting. It's a lunch that lasts nearly five hours and essential to who we are. We've been doing it for over 15 years. Talks like that are really good to get down to the core of your being - at least talks with him are for me.
OK - to the point.
I've decided to start the Fit Basterd's 365 day workout plan. Scott Tousignant has an incredible plan and the introductory workout tonight completely kicked my butt!
I talked my roommate into following the program with me. He's seen my whole transformation and has dropped over 30 pounds through osmosis. He wants to bulk up, so do I and it seemed like a good fit.
About today's workout: It was chest and back and as an example of how good it was - I can't even hold the phone up to my ear for more than 5 minutes without switching hands because my biceps hurt! Yes, it's been too long since a good workout.
Thanks, Scott - you bastard!
Eat Clean
Train Hard
Rest Well,
It's hard for me to admit it. Really hard. I'm aware of the progress I've made and could not be happier. I'm very proud of myself for taking back my life.
That's why it's hard for me to admit it. If we can't be completely honest about my successes and my struggles, then what's the point of living and trying to grow?
So, what's so hard for me to admit, you ask?
I've been in a rut for a while - too long!
Truth be told, I was so bummed that I missed my goal last month that I stopped working out two weeks before it came. I've still kept my diet very clean (except for Christmas dinner) but I've had no motivation to consistently work out. I've had a few workouts but not many.
Feel free to chastise me all you want - it will pale in comparison to the lashing I gave myself! I needed a good swift kick in the rear - and got it!
Every year my very good friend from college and I get together to do some goal setting. It's a lunch that lasts nearly five hours and essential to who we are. We've been doing it for over 15 years. Talks like that are really good to get down to the core of your being - at least talks with him are for me.
OK - to the point.
I've decided to start the Fit Basterd's 365 day workout plan. Scott Tousignant has an incredible plan and the introductory workout tonight completely kicked my butt!
I talked my roommate into following the program with me. He's seen my whole transformation and has dropped over 30 pounds through osmosis. He wants to bulk up, so do I and it seemed like a good fit.
About today's workout: It was chest and back and as an example of how good it was - I can't even hold the phone up to my ear for more than 5 minutes without switching hands because my biceps hurt! Yes, it's been too long since a good workout.
Thanks, Scott - you bastard!
Eat Clean
Train Hard
Rest Well,
Friday, January 05, 2007
I’m going to be brutally honest here because I think that this is a very important topic – at least it is to me. I’m curious if it is to others…
If you are familiar with my story, you know that I began my journey to Destination: LEAN as a means to get back control of my life after a traumatic year. I had a determination and drive like I’d never had before.
That drive got me 130 pounds leaner. I would like to burn off another 20 pounds.
Last month, for the first time in nearly two years, I missed my fitness goals. I’ve done quite a bit of souls searching and I think I know why.
I think I’m afraid to be lean.
Let me explain:
I’ve been fat my entire life and do not know what it is like to be lean. I’ve seen a lot of doors opening for me in my new body but I have yet to walk through most of them. I am aware that there are completely rational solutions to a lot of the examples cited below. I’ve just begun to identify them and then the process of working through them can begin.
For instance:
When I was fat, I was hardly ever touched or flirted with. That happens now and while it’s exciting, it’s terrifying too. It’s new, uncharted territory.
What if the weight comes back? What if I get really lean and I can’t maintain it?
The past two years of my life have been centered around burning fat. Every single aspect of my life. What will I do once it’s done?
So many people want to know how I’ve made this transformation. I enjoy talking to people about it and giving them advice and sending them to Tom’s website. I’ve even been toying around with changing careers and moving into fitness. What if that fails? What if it succeeds?
I think I’m just scratching the surface here. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and would appreciate any response/feedback you have.
I’m going to be brutally honest here because I think that this is a very important topic – at least it is to me. I’m curious if it is to others…
If you are familiar with my story, you know that I began my journey to Destination: LEAN as a means to get back control of my life after a traumatic year. I had a determination and drive like I’d never had before.
That drive got me 130 pounds leaner. I would like to burn off another 20 pounds.
Last month, for the first time in nearly two years, I missed my fitness goals. I’ve done quite a bit of souls searching and I think I know why.
I think I’m afraid to be lean.
Let me explain:
I’ve been fat my entire life and do not know what it is like to be lean. I’ve seen a lot of doors opening for me in my new body but I have yet to walk through most of them. I am aware that there are completely rational solutions to a lot of the examples cited below. I’ve just begun to identify them and then the process of working through them can begin.
For instance:
When I was fat, I was hardly ever touched or flirted with. That happens now and while it’s exciting, it’s terrifying too. It’s new, uncharted territory.
What if the weight comes back? What if I get really lean and I can’t maintain it?
The past two years of my life have been centered around burning fat. Every single aspect of my life. What will I do once it’s done?
So many people want to know how I’ve made this transformation. I enjoy talking to people about it and giving them advice and sending them to Tom’s website. I’ve even been toying around with changing careers and moving into fitness. What if that fails? What if it succeeds?
I think I’m just scratching the surface here. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and would appreciate any response/feedback you have.
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