Friday, August 24, 2007

What does UNSTOPPABLE mean to me?

To me, the foundation of Unstoppable Fat Loss is GRATITUDE.

To be unstoppable one must be extremely grateful:

Grateful for the ability to recognize that I have made poor choices in the past.

Grateful that I have the ability to change those choices today and every tomorrow.

Grateful that I choose to make those choices.

Grateful for all of the friends who support me and for all the resources available if I just choose to seek them out.

When I am truly grateful to myself, when I can thank myself for choosing to live better and longer-
When I really begin to feel the effects of eating clean, training hard and resting well-
When I feel younger than I did more than twenty years ago-
I am so grateful to myself for choosing to take back control over my body.

That gratitude makes me realize how much I truly love myself and marvel at who I am and who I am becoming. That propels me to go even farther.

And when one is truly grateful and genuinely loves themselves – then, nothing can stop them.

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