Friday, January 05, 2007


I’m going to be brutally honest here because I think that this is a very important topic – at least it is to me. I’m curious if it is to others…

If you are familiar with my story, you know that I began my journey to Destination: LEAN as a means to get back control of my life after a traumatic year. I had a determination and drive like I’d never had before.

That drive got me 130 pounds leaner. I would like to burn off another 20 pounds.

Last month, for the first time in nearly two years, I missed my fitness goals. I’ve done quite a bit of souls searching and I think I know why.

I think I’m afraid to be lean.

Let me explain:
I’ve been fat my entire life and do not know what it is like to be lean. I’ve seen a lot of doors opening for me in my new body but I have yet to walk through most of them. I am aware that there are completely rational solutions to a lot of the examples cited below. I’ve just begun to identify them and then the process of working through them can begin.

For instance:

When I was fat, I was hardly ever touched or flirted with. That happens now and while it’s exciting, it’s terrifying too. It’s new, uncharted territory.

What if the weight comes back? What if I get really lean and I can’t maintain it?

The past two years of my life have been centered around burning fat. Every single aspect of my life. What will I do once it’s done?

So many people want to know how I’ve made this transformation. I enjoy talking to people about it and giving them advice and sending them to Tom’s website. I’ve even been toying around with changing careers and moving into fitness. What if that fails? What if it succeeds?

I think I’m just scratching the surface here. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and would appreciate any response/feedback you have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where are you Rob? Please post!!!!