Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I have set down new goals for the next phase of my transformation!

Three months to Christmas (a holiday which I celebrate) and three months is considered the standard for a fitness cycle.

224.4 pounds
15.80% BF
6' 6" tall

Destination: Lean!

1. I am giving myself a six-pack and less than 8% bodyfat for Christmas 2006!
At 1.5 pounds burned per week I will be at 7.79% on December 24th.
This does not take into account any lean mass built.

2. I am burning 2 pounds of fat from my body this week!
At 2 pounds per week I will reach 4.77% bodyfat on December 24th.

3. I am hitting bull's-eyes in all four focus areas today!

DRAT - I missed my goals. Somehow, I just have no motivation. Very frustrating!

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