Friday, August 24, 2007

What gives you life?

Aside from living a healtthy lifestyle, what giives you life, what makes life worth living for you?

For me, it's singing. When I sing, it's sheer bliss - totally right-brain. Singing in a group of over 120 voices is just amazing. To hear the sound and know that I'm part of it - indescribable. The best part is when there's a connection with the audience - the transfer of energy back and forth, the communication of something that is beyond mere words - it makes life worth living.

Recently, the group I sing with posted some videos of our performances on the web. I'm not in many close-ups but am always in the back row, usually 3 to 5 in from the left end...

I'd like to share a couple of my favorites with you at:

What does UNSTOPPABLE mean to me?

To me, the foundation of Unstoppable Fat Loss is GRATITUDE.

To be unstoppable one must be extremely grateful:

Grateful for the ability to recognize that I have made poor choices in the past.

Grateful that I have the ability to change those choices today and every tomorrow.

Grateful that I choose to make those choices.

Grateful for all of the friends who support me and for all the resources available if I just choose to seek them out.

When I am truly grateful to myself, when I can thank myself for choosing to live better and longer-
When I really begin to feel the effects of eating clean, training hard and resting well-
When I feel younger than I did more than twenty years ago-
I am so grateful to myself for choosing to take back control over my body.

That gratitude makes me realize how much I truly love myself and marvel at who I am and who I am becoming. That propels me to go even farther.

And when one is truly grateful and genuinely loves themselves – then, nothing can stop them.


Scott Tousignant interviewed me for his Unstoppable Fat Loss series. Such an honor to be included. I've listened to the interviewes and I must say that they are very inspiring. Each time I listen to one, something new strikes me.

The amazing thing about this product is that you get to hear from fitness experts and from people who have actually succeeded at burning fat.

there are also a few interviews that make my journey seem insignificant. the challenges these folks have overcome are just amazing. Check it out!