Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I have set down new goals for the next phase of my transformation!

Three months to Christmas (a holiday which I celebrate) and three months is considered the standard for a fitness cycle.

224.4 pounds
15.80% BF
6' 6" tall

Destination: Lean!

1. I am giving myself a six-pack and less than 8% bodyfat for Christmas 2006!
At 1.5 pounds burned per week I will be at 7.79% on December 24th.
This does not take into account any lean mass built.

2. I am burning 2 pounds of fat from my body this week!
At 2 pounds per week I will reach 4.77% bodyfat on December 24th.

3. I am hitting bull's-eyes in all four focus areas today!

DRAT - I missed my goals. Somehow, I just have no motivation. Very frustrating!

Tom Venuto, author of Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle invited me to be the moderator of the '100 Pound Club' at his new web community,

This community is amazing - so many wonderful people and many amazing stories. It is very humbling and an honor to share their journey with them.