Friday, August 08, 2008

Phase 2 - Rob's Quest for a Six Pack

Wow has it ever been a while since I've posted to this blog!

I’ve really let my nutrition and training slip the past few months. I could list reasons and excuses but it would not change the fact that 20 pounds have crept back on – nearly 10 from all the partying in Miami a month ago. The mirror is becoming the enemy again.

Bottom line is, I lost my motivation. I don’t know how or why. I am not proud of myself. I’m putting an end to that!

I spent nearly all of last weekend preparing for T2 – Transformation TWO!!! The gym in the basement got shrouded with rubble from the roommate swap – NO MORE! I had grown accustomed to calling the pizza dude on the weekends – NO MORE! I felt myself slipping into old habits I thought had been put to rest – NO MORE!

Goals have been set! They are pretty emotional. Too personal to share all the details here. A timer goes off in my bedroom very early to trigger a spotlight, illuminating life-sized poster with my goal physique and instructions to get on the bike.

You are officially authorized to support me in any way you see fit – including nagging and general pestering!